Aziende – Eni

Partnership: Eni S.p.A. (cooperation framework agreement);;

Source of Fundings: Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – REACT EU – PON “Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020” – DM 1062/2021 – Action IV.6 “Research contracts on Green issues” Green transition

Smart Specialization Strategy (S3): Smart and sustainable industry, energy, environment

PNR 2021-2027: Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility (main topic); Industrial energy (Intervention Area)

BE-GREEN is a three-years research program (2022-2024) aimed at promoting a pro-environmental culture in the workplace (at managerial and operational level), throughout the assessment and detection of individual and organizational factors underlying green workplace behaviors of Eni’s employees.

Specific goals

Applying theoretical models, paradigms and methodologies of the cognitive and environmental psychology toward:

-identifying and mapping the individual characteristics and organizational factors that are associated with employees’ green workplace behaviors;

-Designing and implementing training programs for employees (at managerial and operational level) effective in promoting a pro-environmental culture in the workplace.

BE-GREEN rewarded by FPA and ASviS with the “PA Sostenibile e Resiliente 2022” award in the category “Formare sui temi della sostenibilità”


1) Conferenza ENI (17 aprile 2024)“Environmental Engagement: parliamone insieme”  
Quando l'”Ambiente” fa incontrare la psicologia e l’organizzazione aziendale.
Grande occasione di incontro e confronto tra il Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale e ENI. 


2) Divulgazione del progetto BE-GREEN