As part of the project “PNRR – Orientamento attivo nella transizione scuola università”, aimed at offering orientation activities for high school students, we organized two practical courses to reflect together with students on a set of skills that will be useful during their university years.
Competenze trasversali: un laboratorio esperienziale e di scienza psicologica [Soft Skills: an experiential and psychological science laboratory]
This course is designed to reflect together with students on the role of soft skills in school, university, and everyday life. Starting from the distinction between personality and skills, we shared with students the latest theoretical reference models and reflected with them on the difficulties psychologists often encounter in measuring complex constructs such as soft skills. We simulated a simple psychological experiment to evaluate the extent to which soft skills predict real-life behaviors.
Studiare bene, anzi studiare meglio: una chiave di successo per l’università [Studying well, or rather, studying better: a key to success at university]
This course aims to engage students in reflecting on the significant changes that occur during the transition from high school to university. Specifically, we explore how to adapt study approaches for greater functionality, organize daily and weekly routines effectively, and identify the most impactful study strategies. Additionally, we delve into the role of motivation and emotions in the learning process, drawing insights from students’ direct experiences. Together, we brainstorm strategies to address the challenges and difficulties that may arise during their university journey.